Eggplant & Tomato Puree

Eggplant & Tomato Puree Recipe

It is almost the end of tomato and eggplant season!


So quick, let’s take advantage to introduce these delicate flavors to your little one. 

This puree recipe is suitable for baby starting 6 month old. 


Combined together, eggplant and tomato are the perfect combo and if you add a little cheese like mozzarella, it can soften even more the recipe. 

Eggplant & Tomato Puree - starting 6 months

  • We will also add a potato to this recipe to bind ingredients together and add some carbs
  • This is a puree recipe but these same ingredients baked until soft can be served as part of a baby-led weaning approach. 
  • This recipe can be adapted for any food restrictions or allergies.

Ingredients for about 3 portions of 100 grs (3.4 oz) each

  • 1 medium eggplant (peeled and cubed)
  • 2 medium tomatoes (cubed)
  • 1 small potato (peeled and sliced)
  • 30 grs (1 oz) mozzarella cheese (optional)


A little preparation

About 15 minutes cooking 

  1. Place all of your vegetables once cleaned, peeled and cut in a steamer basket. You can also use a pressure cooker which is faster if you have one! 
  2. Fill the steamer with water and steam for about 15 to 20 mins, ensuring vegetables are soft and cooked through. If using a pressure cooker, you can count about 10 mins. 
  3. While the vegetables are cooking , dice the mozzarella cheese in small 1 inch cubes and blend it in a blender to obtain a “paste” texture. This will allow the mozzarella to melt more easily in the puree and avoid leaving small cubes of mozzarella that could be a chocking hazard for babies. 
  4. Once vegetables are cooked, add them to the blender as well as a tsp of olive oil and blend everything until you get a smooth texture. 
  5. You can also swap the mozzarella cheese for coconut milk for a plant-based option. 

Bon appétit!

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